Why do you need to upgrade to Prestashop 1.7 version?

¿Por qué necesitas actualizar a la versión Prestashop 1.7?
Updating your PrestaShop store may seem like an odyssey that is difficult to overcome, a cumbersome step that will make you lose hours in its installation and many more in its understanding and subsequent fine-tuning. Luckily, the reality is quite different and from the Línea Gráfica Blog we are getting down to work to convince you of the real benefits of updating to the PrestaShop 1.7 version.

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It is no small thing that the world's most used digital tools undergo regular reviews. Every week, basic functions are discovered and enhanced, very specific aspects are improved and more stable environments are proposed with the help of the user, so keeping an application up to date is essential for its correct performance. We already anticipate that, despite the large amount of information we leave below (especially in contrast to what was offered in version 1.6), installing it and getting the most out of it will take you much less time than you think. PrestaShop 1.7 arrived to make e-commerce even more accessible at all levels , and with it the update phase is also included.

PrestaShop 1.7: the most complete and accurate version

If PrestaShop has revolutionized the process of transforming traditional commerce into eCommerce, it has not only been by offering a product that can be adapted to any project, but by demonstrating a tireless capacity for improvement with updates and modifications. This progress has made it one of the most effective tools for selling on the Internet, and one that we are especially proud to be part of. At Línea Gráfica we do so by displaying the Platinum Partner seal. PrestaShop 1.7 reaffirms the good feelings left by version 1.6 to catapult them to a state of simplicity, clarity and ease . It includes a multitude of functionalities and corrections that facilitate both its handling and understanding as well as the user experience. In fact, we are talking about a revision that strengthens the "weak" aspects of the program to make them more sustainable in the long term. This is what you will find: Update prestashop to 1.7 graphic line

New architecture based on the Symfony framework

Internal remodeling for better performance. PrestaShop 1.7 integrates Symfony 2, a new framework that will work for the benefit of the Back Office (in addition to its Twig template engine). This new architecture will only be used on product pages and modules. This means that the rest of the Back Office, although gradually updating to 1.7, will continue to work with the architecture inherited from version 1.6.
In recent updates such as 1.7.3, three new pages have been migrated to Symfony, offering new components and fascinating possibilities for module developers.

New template adapted to the mobile market

The default template is finally responsive! With this new approach, two major objectives are met: 1) Adapt to the ever-growing mobile market and 2) achieve a more “trendy” level of modernity with the new design. In fact, that’s not all. Now modifying its aspects becomes more accessible and easy, no matter what level you have or what change you have in mind. More possibilities, fewer barriers. Update prestashop to 1.7 graphic line However, despite all this, there is bad news for those who are hesitant to upgrade: PrestaShop has rethought the concept of themes, completely abandoning the template structure of version 1.6, meaning that the current template will not be compatible with version 1.7 . However, the modules continue to look and work as always without modifications.

Organizing the Back Office

Compared to the Back Office of version 1.6, which was divided into 12 tabs, the new version of PrestaShop now offers 6. What's more, it is possible to configure almost all the sections (description, photos, quantity in stock, price, VAT, etc.) only from the “Basic settings” tab, thus saving us from having to change the view every time we modify several parameters. This is how the new version of the Back Office would look like.
  • Sales: the sales area of ​​the store.
  • Improvements: design and management.
  • Configuration: parameters and advanced.
Backoffice 1.6 What do you think? At first glance it looks more organized and compact; more direct to what is important. Although I can tell you in advance that getting used to this layout will take you a couple of days, you will be grateful later.

Friendly URLs to improve SEO

Creating a product's web address has become an essential step in online commerce . Whether as a locator or as a positioning element, the URL is the fastest and most effective way to find our product. This translates into convenience for potential customers. Just like in previous versions of PrestaShop, in 1.7 you can activate the friendly URL option , removing the product ID, category and pages from the link. You can do this by going to: “Configuration → Store parameters → Traffic & SEO → URL configuration” Urls amigables

Simpler and more complete product creation

The improvement in this regard comes from considerably reducing the number of product creation tabs: from 12 to 6 , no more and no less. Until version 1.6, product names, reference codes and quantities were entered to continue moving through the configuration tabs. Creación de Productos PrestaShop 1.6 A tedious process (very much) that is eliminated with the inclusion of PrestaShop 1.7. From the main screen you can change both the basic settings, as well as the images, the price or quantities . Such a change has been requested for months and it is finally a reality. Great news. Creación Productos PrestaShop 1.7

Displaying the modules

It is in terms of modules that we find significant visual changes. In PrestaShop 1.7 everything is much clearer, more intuitive and more comfortable. With several filters we will be able to locate:
  • Selection : in this tab (improved with more information available depending on the search) we can see the list of modules that can be installed in our PrestaShop store .
  • Installed modules : conveniently and accurately manage the modules already installed manually . Differentiating them from those pre-installed in another section.
  • Notifications : essential for knowing the updates and current configurations of the different modules . As if that were not enough, PrestaShope has developed a configuration key for each element, which allows you to indicate the correct installation (or not) of the module.
Backoffice PrestaShop 1.6 Unlike what we saw in version 1.6, where everything was more grouped and diffuse, PrestaShop 1.7 enhances the visibility of our tools to save us time and make things much less complicated.

Checkout Improvements: New Cart Page and Quick Checkout

But if there is one change that stands out above all the rest, it is the one presented in the Checkout. The payment process is finally simplified for the benefit of the user. We say goodbye to the usual 5 pages of the purchase process to condense it into one. This way, we will not only gain in design, but we will also reduce the cart abandonment rate to particularly remarkable levels. Cart Page

How to install PrestaShop 1.7.3 PrestaShop 1.7.3 install

At Línea Gráfica we set ourselves the rigorous mission of teaching you how to install the latest version of PrestaShop 1.7 on your web server in the simplest way possible. If you are interested in learning, access our tutorial to clear up all your doubts . In less time than it takes to have a snack, you will have your online store prepared and ready to go.

It starts quickly, so take note and have the following requirements ready:

  • Server space at a hosting provider and domain name
  • FTP Client
  • Text editor
  • A pinch of patience

Need help? Tell us about your experience!

Please use the comments box to share your experience in detail. At Línea Gráfica we are experts in digital marketing and PrestaShop Platinum Partners, so if after all this you need help to get the most out of your online store, just get in touch with us. We will be happy to help you!

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