Today we chat with... Carlos Lucas, our Marketing Director

Hoy charlamos con... Carlos Lucas, nuestro Director de Marketing
How does a Marketing Director lead a team? What are his/her daily challenges? What is his/her vision of the profession? We answer these questions in this interview with our Marketing Director , Carlos Lucas Martín , the first to inaugurate this new interview section in which we will introduce and chat with all the members of the team :) Let's get started!

Could you briefly tell us about your journey at Línea Gráfica?

My time at Línea Gráfica has been twofold. I joined for a brief period at the end of 2017 that lasted about 8 months. During this first period, my main role was as PPC manager at the agency. I subsequently joined again in April 2019 until today. During these last 4 years, my main role has been to coordinate and lead the work of the marketing team. I have been fortunate to see a very positive evolution in the company both in terms of results and organizational culture . width=

What challenges do you face on a daily basis as Marketing Director?

Ufffff…I could tell you that one of the main challenges, as a personal challenge, is to stay up to date . The marketing landscape is constantly evolving due to the emergence of new technologies and trends. Keeping myself up to date and ensuring that the company adapts quickly to these changes is a challenge that really “worries” me. In addition, this rapidly changing and ephemeral landscape brings with it extra pressure for short-term results. Clients often seek quick and immediate results rather than focusing on long-term strategies that lead to sustained project growth. If I focus a little more on my role as a manager, I will tell you that both the management of resources (budgets, staff, etc.) and the coordination of teams and tasks take up most of my daily work . Therefore, doing it in the best possible way is, perhaps, the main challenge that I must overcome day after day.

What skills and competencies do you consider essential for a marketing professional today? How can you ensure that your team acquires these skills?

Beyond the technical knowledge of marketing, which is obviously a prerequisite for any professional who practices this profession, in this case I want to focus on another type of skills: For example, I believe that a good marketing professional has to be a good communicator. This is vital for the transmission of work and achievements. In addition, you have to be a chameleon , having a great capacity to adapt both to new things and to the context. Finally, I think you also need to have a great deal of curiosity and be motivated to learn and improve every day. This curiosity or motivation to learn is vital for the professional to be able to acquire these or other skills. Although, it is also true that the company must foster a culture in which learning and professional growth are valued and encouraged, and where information is shared and achievements are celebrated. width=

How do you keep your marketing team motivated and committed to company goals?

This is one of my main daily concerns and it is really the team that has to answer whether my “modus operandi” works or not. But for my part, I try to give the maximum possible individual freedom , trusting in the capacity and responsibility of each teammate . Luckily, I have a team that is very committed to the common cause, which makes my job much easier. Another thing I try to do is to foster a good atmosphere among the whole team and, although working remotely at this point makes it a little more difficult for me, I think the shared atmosphere is very good. I think this is very important to maintain daily motivation.

What is your greatest learning from Línea Grafica?

It may sound like a cliché, but the truth is that the greatest learning experience is the opportunity to learn new things every day . I am lucky to be in a profession where you learn from all the projects, from your colleagues, from the competition, from successes and from mistakes… maybe it is all of this that has made me an unbeatable trivia player. Jokes aside, working with multidisciplinary teams has made me a complete professional in the world of marketing. In addition, I try to apply the philosophy of “every day there is something new to learn” to my daily work. This has allowed me to be more humble and to approach problems with a different perspective .

Could you highlight several values ​​of Línea Gráfica's corporate culture that you are satisfied with?

Since I first joined the company back in 2017, the company has changed a lot and I have been able to be part of that change, which I am very pleased about. First of all, I think it is a fairly horizontal company . Of course there is a hierarchy, but it is also very accessible and the personal opinion of any person is highly valued, regardless of their role in the company. Furthermore, thanks to teleworking, it has been possible to implement a philosophy of work flexibility that makes it easier to reconcile daily life with work responsibilities . This point is perhaps the one that most attracts the attention of all colleagues. I think it is worth highlighting the rapid adaptation to the new times that we have achieved as a company. The challenge will be to face the new developments in terms of workplace well-being that the future holds for us.
Natalia García
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