Which Shopify plan should you choose for your ecommerce?

¿Qué plan de Shopify debes de elegir según tu ecommerce?
Choosing the right Shopify plan for your business is very important, and it depends on several factors. For this reason, at Línea Gráfica we have prepared this article so that choosing the perfect plan for your ecommerce is as simple as possible. It's also very important to have an expert to help you choose the right plan. We're happy to help you as an official Shopify Plus partner. Don't miss anything!

What plans are available for Shopify?

There are different types of Shopify plans, each with different features. These include Shopify Lite, Basic Shopify, Shopify, Advanced Shopify, and Shopify Plus. Each of these plans has different features and prices, allowing users to choose the option that best suits their needs and budget.

Shopify Lite

The Shopify Lite plan is designed for those who want to sell products without the need to maintain an online store. With this plan, it is possible to integrate a buy button into a personal blog or website. Includes standard features such as Point of Sale Channels, Buy Button, Reports & Statistics page, and Financial Reports. Sales Channel is not included. It is important to know that this plan is not available to new traders.

Basic Shopify

The Basic Shopify plan has all the tools you need to run an online business, allowing you to create and customize a virtual store to display products, as well as manage inventory, orders, and customer data through the Shopify control panel. Among the notable features of the Basic Shopify plan are the ability to create a store, competitive transaction rates, an integrated blog, free SSL certificates for online security, detailed business performance reports, and international trade through Shopify Markets. It is important to note that this plan does not include the option to add employees to the store or activate shipping through external shipping companies, features that are available in higher plans such as Shopify, Advanced Shopify or Shopify Plus. To access these additional features, we recommend considering upgrading to a higher plan that fits your particular business needs.

Advanced Shopify

The Advanced Shopify plan helps you scale your growing business and use analytics to find expansion opportunities. This plan contains all the features of the Basic Shopify plan and the Shopify Plan, plus it comes with the lowest credit card rates and transaction fees. This plan offers the most competitive transaction rates. Check Shopify's pricing page for specific transaction rates in your region. Supports up to 15 staff accounts. It allows you to integrate with a third-party shipping service to offer your customers up-to-date shipping rates and options when placing an order on your store. It has the most comprehensive reports to help you track the performance of your business. Support your international growth with Shopify Markets, a cross-border management tool that lets you configure settings for each international region. You can include up to 50 markets at no additional cost. 24/7 support.

Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus is a plan designed for merchants with high sales volumes. It offers features such as organization settings to manage multiple stores from a single location, access to specialized applications such as B2B and Wholesale Channel, customizable payment screen, additional API resources, unlimited employees, additional and development stores, Shopify Plus Partner Program, among other benefits of having this plan. This plan also includes Shopify POS Pro to manage locations and marketplaces, and access to the Shopify Plus Academy. If you want to know when it is necessary to choose this plan, we recommend that you read our article: Why and when to choose Shopify Plus?

Which plan is right for your business?

At Línea Gráfica, as Shopify Plus partners, we are the right agency to recommend and help you create your business on Shopify.
  • To choose the right plan for your online business, here are some guidelines to make your decision easier:
  • To get started, you can begin to identify the essential features for your business, such as detailed reporting, real-time shipping rates, or personalization at checkout.
  • Consider the budget you have available, that is, that the plan fits your available budget.
  • If you expect rapid growth, it may be better to choose a more advanced plan from the start.
  • Be aware of transaction fees that Shopify charges for external payment methods like PayPal.
  • Consider costs based on your sales volume. Advanced plans may offer lower rates.
  • Evaluate whether the plan offers the support and tools necessary for the expansion of your business.
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Profile Image María Gallardo
María Gallardo

Periodista especializada en Marketing Digital, formada en SEO y Analytics por la Universidad de Nebrija. Me encanta trabajar en estrategias de posicionamiento web, comercio electrónico y contenidos digitales, siempre buscando conectar marcas con personas de una forma auténtica. Me apasionan el cine, los gatos y nunca dejar de aprender cosas nuevas.