What are PPC campaigns?
PPC campaigns are those in which a platform (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook…) offers its own and third-party spaces where you can place banners that direct the user to your store. This concept, which at first glance may seem somewhat confusing, is one of the essential pillars of online commerce and one of the most important sources of income on the Internet. According to the model, the advertiser will pay for each click on their ad , driving traffic to their domain. Easy, right? Now it's time to try it out to make our PrestaShop store synonymous with maximum profitability.What PPC strategy does my PrestaShop store require?
If there is one thing that characterizes Línea Gráfica (in addition to its products), it is its qualified team of experts at the service of the client. Our top Marketing manager, Javier Alonso, will help us to delve deeper into the virtues of PPC through acquisition, conversion and loyalty. As he brilliantly did in the last edition of PrestaShop Day , Javier explains how to execute a PPC strategy without dying in the attempt. Taking full advantage of the potential of the giants Google and Facebook in a joint effort to benefit our store. Subscribe to our newsletter and download the Fundamental Keys to Creating PPC Campaigns[et_bloom_locked optin_id="optin_10"] Launch your PPC campaign with Línea Gráfica As you have seen, PPC campaigns allow you to attract potential customers in the fastest and most effective way . This mechanism, based on the provision of spaces where you can hang your banners, is the shortcut that any PrestaShop store needs to achieve great goals. If you are interested in taking your articles to an effective level of visibility, the Graphic Line option will save you a lot of headaches . Thanks to the impact of the product on the largest number of people, your store's sales will increase and you will see your work rewarded. Join the Línea Gráfica family. We look forward to seeing you!