The online purchasing process is made to be convenient, let's not make it difficult for customers

El proceso de compra online está hecho para ser cómodo, no se lo pongamos difícil a los clientes
Online stores were born with the fundamental purpose of making our customer's shopping experience faster and easier. Whereas before, the customer had to go to the place where the product was sold, buy it and go back home, with the online world we gave them the freedom to "easily" - we emphasize the word - purchase products from the sofa at home. Lately, online stores are becoming endurance tests and patience gymkhanas for the user. How many times have we racked our brains over which username is available? Or wondered why card payment never works the first time. The dreaded captcha to verify whether you are a bot. And what drives us crazy the most: The connection to the page drops and we have to start all over again. Endless problems and obstacles that ultimately make us wonder: Is it really worth it to buy online? Can't it be as easy as when we go to the supermarket? Many of these problems can be fixed with improvements to our online store:
  • Generate a nickname for your user with their email data and name, it will get it right the first time
  • It includes several forms of payment , as well as the possibility of paying with the PayPal platform.
  • You can increase the loading speed of your online store
  • If you have a physical store, include in-store pickup in your shipping options, your customers will thank you.

What would an online purchasing process look like in real life?
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